“Dear Heavenly Father,
I believe you’re a good father; one who desires His children to prosper. I praise you that Jesus died so I could take part in His great inheritance.
Lord, I’m not walking in the fruit of those blessings…right now.
Please show me the root of this disconnect.
Today, with you as my witness, I break the curse of the poverty spirit from my father’s and mother’s bloodline in every generation leading all the way back to Adam.
Lord, show me when I take on old ways of thinking that will lead me back to bad patterns. I want to break through every obstacle preventing me from flourishing financially.
Bless me to exercise self-control when I need to. Help me to be satisfied with what I have so I don’t spend money that should be saved. Dry up every well of useless spending.
Help me to live in financial balance—to be a giver, a saver and an investor. For it’s not your will for me to hold onto my blessings, never willing to share from my abundance. This is another ugly form of the poverty spirit!
Show me where to invest…not just financial investments but in people, ministries and causes that line up with your heart. As I keep the blessings flowing through me, allow your blessings to come to me.
Send me mentors and healthy examples for it’s wisdom to reap information from the wise so I can make informed choices. In the end, I ask that you bless me with a heart of generosity. I want to be prosperous so I can sow greatly into your kingdom.
In Jesus’ name, bless me to be a blessing to others. Amen.”