“Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the creator of this earth. We bow to you, the Master of it all.
Forgive us our sins; highlight the ones that are blocking our blessings and help us to exchange our justifications for forgiveness. Help us bless those who’ve hurt us continually. As we anticipate the return of Our Lord and Savior, ready our hearts and remove anything inside of us that is not of you.
Fill our lamps with the oil of your Holy Spirit, and till our hearts to be a fertile and hallow ground where your word can flourish. Help us to stay connected to you daily in prayer. Fill our bellies with the hope and nourishment of your word.
Give us the strength to turn off all distractions and help us to stay disciplined in our focus on you and your word. Give us the grace to walk in Love, Righteousness and most of all forgiveness.
We are called to be a reflection of Christ, so give us a heart that loves and forgives without limits. Purify our intentions. Show us our selfishness and help us to turn from it. Equip us to act justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly before you.
Remove all judgment for those who don’t look, act or think like us. For we are all imperfect needing a Savior. Fill us with your love so that it overflows to those around us, drawing them closer to you. Compelling them to give you access to their heart.
Place people in our path who need to hear your message of hope and redemption. Give us courage and the words to speak so that we might be effective witnesses for you.
Show us how to invest our time, talent and treasure in ways that honor you and further your kingdom. Father, let your healing touch flow through our entire being; restore us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Give us full health according to your perfect will and use our testimonies of praise to be a conduit of healing for others. When we pray for others, give us the faith to believe in your goodness for the impossible.
Protect us and our loved ones, shielding us from harm and guiding us safely through the challenges of this life.
Lord, we commit our tongues and hearts to continual prayer and intercession. When we begin to complain or gossip, alarm and redirect our spirits.
We pray for the peace of Israel. Guide her leaders with wisdom and Holy discernment. Bless the hurting, lost, displaced, and forgotten. Let our lives be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable as we wait for and look to you, our blessed hope.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray Amen.”