Breaking Free From Demonic Forces
It’s Not Over Until God Says It Is
by Julia Shalom Jordan
This book shares the true story of Julia's incredible journey of discovering God. Julia's personal experience sheds light onto the very real realm that cannot be seen but effects each of us. In this guide, you'll find Christ-based spiritual warfare prayers and curse-breakers that will take your life into greater levels of healing and freedom.
The Trinity Bible
An Introduction to Jesus Christ
by John Turk
This book co-authored by Julia is witnessing tool is for anyone searching for understanding. It briefly highlights the differences separating Christianity from Judaism and Islam. It contains the book of John (words of Jesus), the book of Acts (the work of the Holy Spirit) and Romans (the creed of a Christian) . It's small, compact and light. Perfect for street missions.
Abba’s Heart will be publishing a 365 page inspiration devotional and beautiful leather journal. If you’re interested, please share your email and we will alert you when either are available.