I thank you that when everyone has left and failed me, you promised to remain steadfast in unconditional love. You are the friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Lord, you are the example; you show me how to be and what I need.
Bless the relationships that need to be released; show me which ones are not serving my greater purpose. Free me from bitterness, fear and judgment. I want to move on; to better my life and the world around me.
Show me the people attached to my destiny; those who will light the way and those I can lead into discovering who they are in you.
Remove all fear of abandonment or being alone; release me from guilt and the spirit of manipulation that will keep me from growing into my greatest potential.
Place examples of excellence before me to show me that all things are possible with you.
Thank you for filling my aching heart with hope. I know there is a higher purpose in letting go of what I know and keeping my heart open to what you have for me. I trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.