“Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of life that has so many blessings attached to it.
Lord, the responsibilities of life and the sorrow of aging has me in a place of discouragement. Help me to see the good and focus on that.
Give me the peace of mind and the clarity to make good decisions; help me to know who to trust so I can relax and enjoy this season of receiving.
Let me experience passion again! I need a renewal of hope and energy…now that I have the time to do things I enjoy, help me to enjoy again.
I come against all spirits of apathy, depression, fear and hopelessness.
Bless me with a child-like faith and a child-like spirit. I want to flexible to have a heart to try new things. Bring me good friends that I can share laughs and make new memories with.
Help me to step out of my comfort zone so I can continually grow in learning and experience.
Bless me to always be a teacher as well as a student; ready to listen, to hear and to be fully engaged with others.
In Jesus’ name, there is have a call on my life and I want to live every day to its fullest. Show me what this season’s mission is and bless me with the passion and creativity to not just think about it, but to set my heart to doing it!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”