Take a few moments to reset your nervous system back to peace. Breathe in two full breaths and then expel one long breath out. Do this for five minutes if you can.
Speak this prayer out loud and allow your spirit to agree with the words you say.
I accept where I am right now.
I accept you are with me, despite my imperfect circumstances.
I give myself permission to be where I am today while also allowing others to be where they are.
I surrender all judgments to you and as I lay those down, I receive and accept your divine wisdom and discernment. Help me watch others make their personal choices without expressing a need to participate or comment on what they are doing. Help me to allow others to simply ‘be.’
I surrender my illusion of ‘control, my habit of judgment and all resentment that comes when I do these two things.
Today, I accept full responsibility for my thoughts, intents and actions. In Jesus’ name, fill my weakness with your strength. Amen.”