“Dear Heavenly Father,
Please clear my mind, body and soul of all trauma, past wounds, hurts, resentments, pain and suffering.
I am ready to receive all the healing you have for me for I’ve gotten out of the way.
I accept your healing.
I accept your healing.
I receive all healing of my past which makes room for a healthy future.
Lord, with the help of your Spirit, I remove all blocks and restrictions from my mind, body and soul. I reject every pathway of destruction, depression and confusion.
Today, I forgive all that have hurt me. I release all the trauma, pain and rejection but I retain every lesson they taught. For this is wisdom.
Lord forgive me for not turning to you sooner and please help me forgive myself for every mistake I made.
I gracefully command all cords, vows, contracts, ties, resentments and fear of others to be broken and cancelled, deeming them null and void.
Lord, I choose to fill those places with love and forgiveness; this will set me free from all entanglements from the past, present and future, freeing me to love without conditions.
Holy Spirit, help me to radiate the peace of your presence–to myself and others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”