“Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the Lord can give an understanding wife.” Proverbs 19:14
“I bless you, the beautiful wife of my youth. The one who has stood by me through thick and thin, for better and worse.
I bless your heart for prayerfully supporting me.
I bless your mind for honoring me.
I bless your feet for faithfully standing by me (when others have abandoned).
I bless your hands which toil, in service of my brokenness.
Your humble ways have carved a path of life and covering for me.
You are a queen of a woman.
You’re a vessel of unconditional love, a tangible representation of the Father’s heart towards me.
Today, I bless you. I receive every good gift you wish to bestow upon me. From this day forward no longer will I reject the Lord’s blessings and wisdom flowing through you.
A man who finds a woman of God discovers a rare and beautiful treasure. I’m honored you’re mine.”
Holy Spirit and Julia Shalom Jordan