Lie down and receive these words…let them pour into your mind, body, soul and spirit. Believe that God is going to do something with these words…that there is an activation in the spiritual realm because we’re agreeing wholeheartedly with the words.
“Lord, we thank you that you are doing something…even if we can’t see it, you’re doing something behind the scenes. We thank you that we are your children…and that you have a really good plan for us. We praise you for your promise to never leave us or never forsake us. We thank you for depositing your spirit which is a constant comfort.”
Allow the Holy Spirit to push out all the negativity you’ve been taking in…Breathe out… and push out all the fear, anxiety, worry, worse-case scenario.
As you inhale fresh air see yourself inhaling the Ruach…the breath of life. You are releasing the bad and taking in the good.
Take three deep breaths…picture the Holy Spirit going deep into your lungs clearing out infections, viruses and obstructions to perfect health; imagine this fresh air purifying every cell of your body…fighting for you.
Watch…this cleansing process is not only happening in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm as well.
Breathe out the garbage you’ve been watching (the news), hearing (on podcasts); the chaos you’ve been taking in, allowing to compound and ramp up your anxiety. Push all of that out right now with a full and slow exhale…then slowly, gently, inhale God’s gift of life and peace.
“We thank you Father that you know what we’re going through and you’ve sustained us all the way to this point. We repent for taking on more than we can handle…whatever that is; if that’s watching the news (too much), ignoring your spirit, obsessively clicking through stations…
Whatever your spirit is leading us to do, we commit to listening. We will stop the madness and obey only you.
Lord, thank you for this quiet time and space. Your people are hearing your voice. Not only that but people who don’t know you…are crying out to you! They’re finally quiet and still enough to search their hearts and begin asking, “What’s the point of life?”
We thank you for these deep questions that can only be answered by you. We thank you for the peace that passes all understanding is the God we know; the only One that can truly comfort. Jesus please reveal yourself in visions and dreams to our unsaved loved ones. Make an appearance to those calling on the unknown God. For every heart crying out, “What is this about?” I pray you would show up. Show yourself in a mighty way in this hour. Thank you for being the peace that passes all understanding.
Lord, help your children come into alignment with everything we know in our head; every verse and revelation that’s been deposited into our spirit, we pray you would activate with a greater measure of faith. Every time we pray for this increase of faith that you would give us compounding interest on it so we could experience an exponential increase.
We believe this is the hour that Believers should have greater measures of confidence in you. The world is desperate for true peace. Bless us and fill our bodies and homes with your shalom. Protect the entry points as we declare: “No evil will come to steal, kill or destroy in any shape or form…through disease, virus, robbery or chaos.”
The enemy must recognize our bodies and homes are God’s property. He must pass by because they’re sanctified dwellings for your Holy Spirit. And this, the enemy cannot touch.
Bless us with the words we need to say and the encouragement you want to give to every person we encounter. As we strengthen others with words of encouragement and hope, double up the hope and encouragement in ourselves. Help us not to become depleted, so we always have something to give to those who need it.
For those who carry the gift of the prophetic—Lord, increase this gifting; help us diagnose the needs before us so we can bless others in the ways you’ve blessed us.
I thank you God that this is a time for unification that you are bringing together families and creating wonderful memories. Instead of this being a time of strife, this is a time of your great peace. In Jesus’ name. We thank you for your peace. We receive your peace. We take it into our minds, body, spirits, homes. We are so filled with your shalom that everywhere we go we leave an imprint of it for others to be touched by your goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”