“Lord, please lay your hand upon our country; give our broken, unsettled hearts rest. Chaos, confusion, rebellion and anarchy are working to destroy the unity and stability of this land.
You are the peace that passes all understanding. You are the hope and healing the world is thirsty for.
Breathe on us, Holy Spirit. Refresh our mind, body, soul and spirit with visions of our greater purpose. Root us firmly in our identity as Children of God, not weapons of evil used by the wicked one.
Help us never to incite division with our hearts and tongues…let us bridge every divide with humility, repentance, love and forgiveness.
Give America a holy reverence for life and liberty; purge us from pride, insecurity and anger which has us fighting for the last word. We humble ourselves, asking for a greater measure of your grace and patience…bless this land with your peace and justice.
We humble ourselves, asking for a greater measure of your grace and patience…bless this land with your peace and justice. Let the mission of equality and value for every human life restore our collaborative spirit. Let us be a collective of citizens that finds strength in compassion.
Give every man, woman and child the wisdom (and desire) to come into alignment with your will. Help us represent you well in our work, home and in the voting booth for this is our choice to live under your blessing. In Jesus’ name, God bless America.”