“Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my precious life; I want to live a long, prosperous and blessed one.
Lord, some concerning doctor’s reports weigh heavy on my heart; this has sobered me to realize the importance of managing my priorities.
Help me balance my responsibilities while also taking care of my need for sleep. Help me manage my stress by taking time out with you and by sharing the responsibilities that could be delegated; release me of my perfectionism and habit of micro-managing.
Give me the perseverance and self-control to stay away from the food, drink and activities that will drain me of life force. Help me to find passion not only in my everyday work and duties but in activities that will bring my life into a healthy balance of joy, refreshment and satisfaction.
Bless me with the discernment of the people and activities to weed out of my life, so I can make room for the great, people and projects you have for me.
I want to impart a legacy of healthy habits that will increase and bless my future generations; please assist me on this quest by bringing mentors and encouragers that will remind me of my end goal when I feel like giving up.
In Jesus, name thank you for the gift of life—I want to make mine the best it can be. Amen.”