In my time of journaling, I asked the Lord to give me insight on the Spirits which are influencing this crucial time in history. This is what I received: The Spirits defiling the minds and hearts of this generation are:
- Selfish Obsession
- Seared Conscience
- Embraced Depravity
- Division
- Twisted Identity
I asked God to give me a detailed account of each spirit and committed to journal with him for several days.
Selfish Obsession
The easiest way the enemy ensnares is through the flesh. Humans have an innate desire to get their needs met. This natural drive has helped the species survive. But the enemy has taken what is natural to go unbalanced. When selfishness is indulged, it breeds selfish obsession and slowly, over time, a person finds themselves in isolation, where there is no one to be accountable to but themselves. The reins of selfishness have nothing to hold them back.
This was never my dream for humanity. Not only did I build an innate desire for survival, but an innate need for community. People coming together in their weakness, so they could share their strengths while also keeping each other accountable.
What is your solution, Lord?
You must determine to war against isolation as this can breed selfishness if gone unchecked.
Time with me is crucial as my presence has the power to dismantle any lie working to establish a stronghold in your heart and mind.
The enemy is working overtime to dismantle community and connection. He is dividing hearts and families by erecting walls of un-forgiveness, resentment and betrayal.
I’m not saying you won’t be hurt…you will!
But, determine no matter what offense has been said or done, you will forgive. Seventy times seven.
The natural reaction would be to retreat, isolate and not engage with others. But I have called my people to be a light of influence. As people encounter you, I want them to encounter my love.
My love is unconditional. It is the opposite of selfishness. It has the power to stop hell’s encroachment upon this life and eternity.
Seared Conscience
When a person is engaged in something that defiles their soul, the conscience is pricked. At this precise moment, a choice must be made.
They can heed the warning by halting what they are doing and preserving their conscience. Or they can press pass their conscience and move forward in sin.
If they do this, two things can happen.
- Guilt and shame will flood the body as deep remorse sets in.
- The joy of sin and its temporary pleasure distracts while the conscience corrodes.
The growing depravity around the world is the result of people who are living, reacting, and engaging life with a conscience which no longer feels. For a seared conscience reflects a heart with thick calluses, resulting in severe restriction, causing it to beat improperly.
Do you know who the Master of Seared Consciences is? The Evil One.
The more you ignore my Spirit tapping on yours, pointing you to a better way, the further you will walk in darkness, fooling yourself into thinking it’s okay to continue when the most dangerous place to be…is out of my will.
Embraced Depravity
After the conscience has been seared, it is easy to embrace depravity. Depravity can never be satisfied as the limits are always stretched to accommodate lust’s hunger. And lust has NO limits.
My people are called to rule over their desires; to master them, not become slaves.
Discipline and restraint are two powerful tools that will not only strengthen the inner man but the outer man as well.
A person who can take an honest assessment of who they are, their current struggle, and any weakness in their flesh, can use all that information to build on what’s good and lean on me in their weakness.
I will always help my Own take dominion over their lower nature. This is why it is important to heed my promptings. When I prick your spirit, stop. Pray. Listen. If you cannot hear me, open my Word. I will strengthen your inner man if you come to the well and drink of me.
Division causes instability, which invokes natural instincts of self-preservation. This only fuels the fire of self-obsession which breaks down chances of community. The enemy wants to divide and conquer because this is the easiest way to plunder and destroy.
-He works to divide your mind for a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.
-He works to divide marriages and families for community support strengths the inner man by providing wisdom, experience, and accountability.
-He works to divide the church by focusing on differences. This confuses the lost and quenches the fire of evangelism.
-He works to divide through prejudice and political divide for a country divided cannot stand.
The Spirit behind Division is the Spirit of Isolation.
Twisted Identity
Confusion is a trap which not only steals your time, but your energy and attention. It opens the doors to things one might never consider; false identities which were never an option suddenly become viable to those desperate for identity, acceptance, love, meaning and purpose.
These false identities are cloaks of armor masking my glorious creation; Oh how the enemy revels in the pride which defiles the image of God in man.
You were created to build, create, impart, bless, increase, equip, encourage, and empower. But you were also created to defeat the oppressor, bind spiritual darkness and send out heavenly hosts with your prayers of faith and action.
None of this can happen from a place of false identity and The enemy knows this. Putting all your faith effort, energy, and prayers into the wrong things, will cause you to miss your true calling, purpose, and identity.
For those who got something out of this message, I encourage you to take all the impressions I received during my personal time in prayer and hold them up against the Word of God. Ask Him to reveal more by showing you any place where you might be allowing the enemy to influence you.
The army of God only gets stronger through personal self-evaluation, not through the eyes of religion but through a heart of genuine repentance and a longing to be One with Him.
I hope this helps you to become more like Jesus so we can all shine a brighter hope to a hurting world.