I’ve always fantasized about becoming someone–anyone else. Ironically, this manifested in me loathing not only my life but almost everything in it–including my middle name.I remember reading biographies of great Hollywood starlets leaving their past and choosing a new name. A deep inspiration and desire stirred within.
In my youth, my struggle with identity, prompted me to don roles. One of them was trying my hand at becoming an exotic dancer. Working in this profession required me to take on a new name and I was thrilled about my new name and identity.Thankfully, God took me out of that darkness and into the light of salvation, healing, and deliverance.After God healed me of so much, I felt led to share my story and amazingly this gave me the option of choosing an author name!
Names are important. There is power and meaning and when people call your name because they’re declaring the meaning over you! I chose Julia Shalom Jordan because:
Shalom means: ‘Universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight. A rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom He delights.’
Here are some other words that describe Shalom:
-Circumstances unblemished by any sort of defect
-Divine Grace
I chose Jordan because I always found it to be a beautiful name. The funny part is when I was a dancer, I was never able to secure this name because it was always taken by somebody else. (In that industry we could only have one dancer in the club with a particular name).
God did not allow me to sully this name because I believe He wanted to gift it to me in a purer way. The reason why Jordan was important to me: It was my husband’s mother’s maiden name. I never got to know her as she passed before we married but using it was a way to honor her and her Christian roots. Jordan means: ‘to flow down, to descend, referring to the Jordan river the Hebrews had to cross to get to the Promised land.’
In my salvation story, I descended into a world of darkness, chaos, and madness. But this only illuminated my need for a Savior. Descending brought me into the light and I’m so grateful for my journey out of the wilderness of depression and destruction into the Promise land of hope and healing. Jesus was the one who completed my journey. He did not leave me in the darkness.
Over my lifetime, I’ve had my actor name, my model name with Playboy, my dancer names, my author name, and the original name I was born with. The Bible promises when we get to heaven, God also has a special name just reserved for us. This is a heavenly gift I am really looking forward to unwrapping!