“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Proverbs 13:20
Of course, I believe in God and His miracle working power but I’m also aware that we were created to partner with His spirit of diligence and excellence, which means action is required on our part.
My personal philosophy when it comes to important things in life, is to never leave anything to chance. I’m proactive because that’s what gets results; momentum is the key to preventing stagnation.
A big life always starts with a big dream. You must believe your dream is actually possible. If you don’t have people or examples in your life supporting this, you must search for someone who has forged a path into the place you want to be. This is where mentorship can take you from ordinary to extra-ordinary for a successful life is hardly accidental. Let your good intentions be filled with powerful action and targeted pursuit.
- Find someone you want to be like.
-who has similar strengths and skills
- Study that person
-understand his/her strengths and weaknesses.
-set realistic expectations
- Set up a casual get together
-Don’t ask for mentorship on first meeting
-Come up with prepared questions
-Let conversation flow naturally
- Evaluate the fruit of your meet up:
-After meeting, did you want to spend more time with this person?
-Did she begin by encouraging you?
-Did she ask questions or wait to provide answers?
-Did you leave the meeting feeling better about yourself?
-Was a connection made?
-If no, move on.
- Follow up after the meeting.
-It’s okay to be overly ambitious and let them know you are serious about a mentor dynamic
-Follow up immediately, thanking your perspective mentor for her time. (This is best through email as not be overbearing).
- Let the relationship evolve organically.
-Let the relationship grow organically on respect and trust
-Don’t force it. Give things time to grow
*special thank you to Jeff Goins on his article how to Find (and Keep a mentor in 10 not so easy Steps on www.goins,writer