“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8
The enemy has derailed us and we have to realign and get back to God’s perfect will.
We need to partner with God and get in rhythm with what He is doing.
How do we get strong in the Spirit?
1.Renew your thinking daily.
2. Reset
- Restart
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
We must renew our minds daily with the word of God, because those are God’s thoughts!
God’s thoughts will always be higher than our thoughts because He can see from a much higher and wider perspective.
The world is working to contaminate our minds to get out of spiritual stagnation and we must wash our minds with God’s truth because the enemy is projecting his deception all the time!
There are two ways the devil attacks Believers:
- External-finances, marriage, work, friends
- Internal-through emotions, trauma, mindsets, worry, depression and fear.
Identify the ways the enemy is attacking you so you can guard yourself and gird up with God’s word for your specific attack:
For example, if the Enemy is projecting fear in your heart, you can confess out loud:
“God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 2:17
The devil’s strategy is to: Neutralize your thinking
He want to dismantle your faith with Doubt and Fear.
What are common tools the enemy uses to get us into his trap?
Pay attention to:
- What you are reading? Harry Potter? Smutty books?
- What are you watching? Horror? Violence? Porn?
- What are you saying? Are you speaking death and curses over your own life and situation. “Death and life are in the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
- Who are your friends? “Iron sharpens Iron.” Proverbs 27:17
We must guard our hears of anything and everything that affects it!
The things our spirits gather from our eyes, ear, mouth and heart gate have the power to siphon our spiritual senses and to dumb us down. Our relationships can support us in our good decisions or cause us to go another way!
This is a Spiritual War so our weapons are Spiritual Weapons!
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 14:12
The tactics the enemy uses:
- Tries to steal your Peace.
- Tries to steal your Sleep.
- Worries you to death with every worst-case sinareo.
- Tries to get you to quit.
- Attempts to seal your Identity so you don’t walk in your Purpose.
The Enemy wants to trick you into thinking he is after your:
- Finances
- Family
- Marriage
- Job
But he is really after your:
- Faith (your mind and thoughts)
- Character (the things God wants to develop in you)
- Emotions
- Habits
Having a Carnal mind prevents you from hearing from the Holy Spirit.
We need to stop making the devil comfortable in our mind and life.
Let’s Pray and Break these strongholds:
“Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break hindering blockages and distractions.
I destroy the works of the enemy in your inner thoughts, mind, soul and spirit.
You know what you are battling so list them now.
We throw all of these idols at your feet, Jesus.
I pray God will give you understanding in the realm of the spirit.
There is no weapon formed against you that will prosper. Every way the devil works to engage you, I destroy in the name of Jesus.
I destroy every demonic thought and opening in your life.
I renounce and uproot demonic words you’ve spoken that has given the enemy the legal right to torment you and hold you back.
I break those things right now.
In the name of Jesus Christ I shut every demonic door that you have opened through your eye, ear, mouth and heart gate.
We take the keys back today!
I give the Holy Spirit the keys to your eternal future right now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”