This is an instructional article, meant to guide a person into self-deliverance. If you’re a new Believer and are not familiar with deliverance, I suggest going to a trusted company of Christians to assist you, pray with you and keep you accountable.
We must speak AT demons, not TO them. The only way we can exercise our authority is by speaking AT them.If we do nothing, then the devil wins. We must be brave to move into freedom.
For victory we must:
- Know why and how to address the evil spirits.
- Command them to leave.
- Maintain awareness of our thought.
Our model for casting out spirit is what Jesus did. Jesus did not have a dialog with Satan. He was fully engaged but he won by speaking Scripture. In essence, He was instructing Satan to shut up, get behind Him and to be gone.
Step 1: Identify the Presence of a Demon
Ask yourself:
1.How are evil spirits operating in my life?
2.What wounds might they have attached to?
3.What lies are they speaking to me?
4.What functions do they fill?
5.In what way is my life hindered or crippled?
6.What do I think I need in order to be happy?
7.What am I addicted to?
8.Is Satan fortifying that addiction?
9.Am I willing to give it up?
If you’ve ever heard a little voice in your head that says I cannot be fulfilled unless I (fill in the blank) or I am worthless because I (fill in the blank), then you can get a sense of which demon is feeding you lies, keeping you unhappy and dissatisfied. If you are still not sure of the demon’s identity, try commanding the demon to tell you his name. Something like this:
“I command you, demon, to reveal who you are, what you represent, what your function is, what your name is. I command you to be exposed by the light of King Jesus.”
Pay attention to an inner knowing. Maybe you think of a name you haven’t heard before, a picture, a picture of a word, a function—lying, greed, self-pity, sickness. Does it seem like a demon of rage? Jealousy? Controlling spirit? A perfectionism spirit? A spirit of infirmary? Use discernment as just because you ask a demon a question, does not guarantee it will answer truthfully. They are vile by nature. Whether or not you know the identity or function of the demon, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Command the Spirit to Go
Just as Jesus cast out demons with a word, you can do the same. Something like: “I reject you, defiled spirit, and I command you to leave in the name of Jesus.” You can do this out loud or you can speak through your heart and mind. Sometimes when you are in public, it might not be appropriate to speak out loud. Remember, you are dealing with the realm of the spirit, not the physical world.
After this step, you might not feel as if much has happened. This is what Satan want you to believe. Rest assured; change is happening. Change comes little by little but you will get victory and enter into freedom. Just keep pressing on. In my experience, God has shown me that extreme change is hard on the person and the relationships around them. For the body and mind to acclimate, change can be gradual shifts. Sometimes there will be extreme change but that is not the norm.
Step 3: Confess the Positive
-Speak the opposite of the lies the demons have been telling you.
-counter the enemy’s lies with the truth of scripture.
-Replace each demonic thought with a ‘God’ thought.
For example: Suppose a demon’s job has been to fill you with thoughts of hatred towards somebody. Yu became aware that demons were filling your head with thoughts of judgment, condemnation, and accusation towards that person. You commanded the spirits to leave, but now you need to fill the space left vacant. This is the crucial part of self-deliverance. We need to fill our hearts and minds with the positive in the areas that have been polluted. We need to strengthen those weak and vulnerable spots with the truth of scripture.
Step 4: Be aware Demons will Try to Return
-As the demons are loosening their grip on you, being dislodged, and forced to go, their attack comes at you from the OUTSIDE rather than from the INSIDE.
The more you keep walking in the light the more you will immobilize evil spirits and the more victory you will gain. As we grow in discernment, we become keener at perceiving where the thoughts entering our mind is coming from.
All information was taken from “Self-Deliverance” by Rabbi K.A. Schneider