I don’t like to talk too much about what I do for/with God because I want to make sure He really gives me permission to share.I felt led to share how God has laid a foundation of ministry for Him since childhood.
When I was growing up in my Private Christian School, there was a period where we were required to visit a Senior Care Home every other week. I think I was around the age of ten. I remember it was something most of the kids did not want to do. At first, I didn’t like it, either. The minute we stepped into the building, it was ridiculously hot with the distinct odor of urine and body wipes. But, after we sang a song and a message of encouragement was shared, we were assigned to visit certain people in their rooms.
Like any new introduction, things are awkward…especially with the deep generational chasm between us. But, over time, I grew a great interest in learning from the wisdom and experience of these sages. Their personalities shined through their wrinkles, and they had no stamina for masking the truth. It seemed with most of them, you got what they decided to give you; sometimes they warmed your heart and sometimes they broke it.
I learned a lot from visiting that place; that people were hungry for hope, beauty and joy and you could give them pieces of this. Some people blossomed with a hug, others with a gift, an encouraging word or a silly song sung off tune. Most of them, needed to be heard. To be seen. To know they were not forgotten. They were like little children wrapped up in the skin of an old person. I always walked away from my time at the old folk’s home, more sober about death and the meaning of life. I never without being greatly affected. I saw, even as a child, that I could have a great impact if I just took a moment to stop and care.
When I got older, I experienced the pain of rejection and betrayal from my own family. I was kicked out of my home and forced to make it on my own. It was rough trying to navigate life, after being sheltered my whole childhood. The world was a frightening place for kid who had limited exposure to what was out there.
I grew up loving God and wanting to please Him. But my life became so dark, I had become a Playboy model and stripper. During my dark days, God sent two amazing women of God into my life. A seventy-five-year-old woman named Wanda and an eighty six year old woman named Grace. Both spoke truth into my life and gave me the wisdom, guidance and love I did not have.
When John and I got saved, I felt a prompting to find a ministry that ministered to the elderly. We partnered with a few of them since those early days. I believe God wants to take those who feel they did not have parental love and give them that and those who do not have the love of children to give them that. He is meeting the needs of both hearts while healing them through community.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
Who is the widow and orphan? The elderly!!! How do you remain grateful about your life but also aware of death? When you care for those in the last season of life.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38
I am only sharing this now because I feel like other people need to see the importance of not only having community but being community for someone in need.
I’ve never shared this publicly, but I have a 5013C. Usually, John is the main donor and when he gives, its to keep my website running and to print books for free to the people who need them. If we have any extra funds, I can send little things to encourage people or even take them out to coffee or lunch.
How I got this 5013C was kind of a miracle of its own. A friend of mine, (who I had known for over a decade on Facebook) has a ministry called Rich in Grace Ministries. She called me one day and said God put it on her heart to help me open up a 5013C. She felt led to help me with the paperwork and flew in from NC for one day just to help me.
I always wondered why she did this but wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with this, so I felt God was saying He wanted to support my work by not having John pull the full load by allowing him to bracket this for taxes. This was about eight years ago.
Recently a friend asked if they could donate to my 5013C! Something I hadn’t told anyone about! I was so shocked that I was being offered this support and quickly asked God to give me a vision for what He wanted to do with it.
Instantly, I remembered a desire I had to buy my elderly ministry cozy scripture blankets with a Jesus Calling devotional. Because of the support of this doner who wishes to remain anonymous (you know who you are!) we were able to do this. But the real miracle wasn’t the gifts! It is how God worked through those gifts to soften hearts.
Story #1
People come in and out of this Senior Care facility because it is also a rehab center for people with acute issues.
God highlighted a man named Tim C. and I made sure we purchased gifts for him.
When we went to visit the next week, we stopped by his room because church had shut down from a virus that was spreading. They wanted the residents to remain isolated in their rooms but for some reason, we were allowed to visit.
John and I approached Tim who was despondent in his bed. When we told him we were here to give him a gift from Jesus, tears began to fill his eyes.
“I was just crying out to God! I felt like He forgot about me! My family won’t come to see me and I’m in so much pain and all alone.” His trickle of tears turned into a flood. Tim had back surgery that was causing agonizing pain. John began to lay hands on him, praying for healing.
By the time we had to go, Tim was smiling, clutching his devotional and blanket saying, “I know God heard my cries because you came. Thank you for coming.”
Story #2
Barry had a stroke. He can’t join the church services, so we usually visit his room to pray. He has an atheist roommate named Mark. We always ask Mark if he would let us pray and he usually turns us down.
The Holy Spirit put it strong on my heart to honor Mark and where he is spiritually. To not buy him a blanket with scripture on it but to purchase a luxurious cozy blanket that had encouraging words all over it.
When we stopped by the room to deliver the presents, Mark was shocked when we gave him his gift.
“Why for me?” He asked.
“Because God loves you, Mark!”
Astonished, he opened his gift. His whole face lit up like we’ve never seen it all this time we have visited him.
To give you a little background, every resident usually spruces up their room with personal objects and décor. Mark has none of that. In fact, Mark only had hospital sheets on his bed. He had no personal comforts of his own.
Before we left the room, I said,
“Mark, I didn’t want to insult you by giving you a devotional like I did for your roommate. But, if you would like me to bring you one next week, I’d be happy to.”
He said, “Anything you bring me, I will read.”
John piped up, “I wrote a book! Would you read it?”
Mark said, “If you wrote it, I’ll read it.”
John ran out to the car to grab the witnessing tool called The Trinity Bible which he wrote to help people understand what Christ did at the cross.
So please keep Mark in your prayers. God is softening his heart. Now whenever we see him, his face beams when we ask if he wants prayer. The next step is asking him if he wants to receive Jesus as his savior.
Story #3
Since the virus had us visiting each resident, we went to drop off Gloria’s Christmas gift.
When we got into her room, she had a roommate we hadn’t seen.
I apologized that I did not have a gift for her but if she wanted me to, I would be happy to have one for her the next week.
“That’s okay. I’ll only be here for one day.”
The woman looked fearful. Her eyes were big and round and she was holding the covers up to her chin and her shoulders were pulled up high.
I said hi to Gloria and then walked over to her.
“Mam, are you okay? Is there anything I can pray with you for?”
She said, “Sorry. I’m not religious.”
I told her with confidence. “That’s okay. Neither am I. Were just going to talk with God.”
She looked surprised and I asked, “What’s wrong?”
Doris said, “I’m scared. I almost died yesterday, and I’m really scared.”
At that moment, I knew church service getting cancelled was not an accident. This was a divine appointment just for Doris.
“Are you scared because you don’t know where you will go when you die?”
“Yes.” Her face said it all.
“Well, I know where I’m going to go and it’s a beautiful place. I have no fear and if you want, you can go there, too. Would you like this kind of assurance?”
At that moment, Gloria interrupted.
“Stop talking to her!” I turned around and could feel a dark force using her to disrupt what God wanted to do.
I gave John a glance, asking him to take care of Gloria. He held her off for a few minutes but as I was explaining what Jesus did for our sins, Gloria interrupted again.
I said firmly, “I’m talking and when I am done, you can do want you want but don’t interrupt me now. Give us five minutes.”
With warp speed, I shared the gospel, and I made sure Doris knew what I was saying. I had her repeat after me.
She agreed to ask Jesus into her heart, and I instructed if Fear or Death came to her all she had to do was call on Jesus.
Then, Gloria continued to interrupt. But God allowed me to share and I pray over that seed as Doris went from Fear to Hope.
Please pray that the seed of salvation goes deep into the soil of her heart.
I’m sharing these stories because I want to encourage you that wherever life takes you, God wants to use you. This is not for your glory or mine but for God to bless others with the same hope, joy and freedom He has given us.
“Heavenly Father,
We praise you for using the weak and the foolish to confound the old and the wise.
All it takes is a heart willing to be a blessing, to step out in faith and service to you.
You said if we are faithful in the little things, you will entrust us with more.
Lord, the hurting and darkness is real.
People are aching for you.
Fill us with so much life; light, joy and confidence in the finished work of the cross that people cannot help but be drawn to Christ in us.
We do this because you were faithful to pursue, heal, cleanse and empower us.
It is our honor to bring others into a thriving relationship with you.
For you are worthy of the souls you died for.
In Jesus’ holy name, amen.”