“Abide in me, and I in you, As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.”
John 15:5
“My Precious One,
I’ve planted success within you.
When you find it difficult to connect with me, pay attention! This is the result of allowing your drive for achievement to get out of to get out of balance. Remember…I promised to never leave you which means I haven’t gone anywhere!
Don’t get ahead of yourself and my will.
I’m always saying something…even in moments (and seasons) of silence. Lean in and I’ll prepare you for the days ahead.
There are many ways to your destination…but remember, I know the most blessed route.
Hold your dreams loosely by making room in your heart (and life) for my upgrades. Let me enlarge your capacity to contain them.
Big dreams need a big God and when self-motivation leads, you’re on the road of resistance, shunting off divine favor.”