“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” Hebrews 11:1
My Precious One,
Deep within your heart, I’ve planted seeds of restlessness. This was purposeful, meant to draw you to…myself.
My still, small voice beckons a pressing into your higher calling.
You are my new creation, for which I do a new thing. This means the dreams that once motivated you can no longer satisfy the longings of your soul.
Be brave! Be adventurous!
Move in the direction of my voice and as you do, I’ll replace dissatisfaction with…hope. I’ll activate your faith to believe fresh dreams; a deeper, more purposeful way of life.
Your doubts and fears build a wall between the reality you’re familiar with and the mysterious future I’ve reserved just for you!
Demolish that wall by choosing to believe me; only then will you enjoy wonderful-filled treasures and adventures, available to many but enjoyed by few.”