“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6
My Precious One,
When I breathed life into you, I gave a wonderful (and dangerous) gift of free-will, which is the ability to think thoughts and make choices that can suspend my plans.
It’s my grace that sustains you, always making room for my ‘better’. When you follow my Spirit, I lead you into this ‘better’ and every step taken in my direction leads to a progressive…better.
My blood has radical, transformational power but with this covenant comes great responsibility. Those who’ve received me through repentance and forgiveness must keep their hearts filled with humility, repentance and obedience.
For there is great overcoming power in obeying a great, overcoming God.
Following me won’t be easy but tenacity to honor our covenant has exponential rewards; tangible blessings for this life and eternal treasures as well.
Wisdom sees beyond immediate sacrifice. Wisdom invests in compounding returns. Follow my Spirit; I alone know the path to plenty.”